naming // branding
"Shall we have one?"
(“One” translates as “JEDNA” in Croatian.)
When these words are spoken in a Croatian bar, their meaning is completely unambiguous. Upon hearing, “Shall we have one?” everyone knows exactly what it means—a shot of rakija (a local type of brandy).
Entering the market with the name JEDNA (ONE) was a great foundation for interesting and relaxed brand communication. Just imagine when a simple call for drinks - "SHALL WE HAVE ONE (JEDNA)?” - becomes a question and answer all at once. So why not have ONE for the road? Or a short ONE, a sharp ONE, ONE named Vilja, ONE made from quince, ONE from apricot… You get the picture.
The design proposal is based on animal illustrations characteristic of the regions of origin - Slavonia and Baranja. Each illustration represents one type of rakija, which helped us distance the product from the usual approach of labelling rakija with just a fruit symbol. The “JEDNA” Rakija project has been honored with several design and branding awards.
Agency // Studio 33
Design and Art Direction // Leo Vinković, Igor Penović
Illustration // Maja Gjajić
Product Photography // Marija Gašparović